Christmas Secrets REVEALED!!

5 Jan
So, here’s one thing I’ve been keeping from you, my adoring public:

This is an embroidery that I did for my mam for Christmas *waves at mam*. My mother knows the ways of the Internet so I couldn’t show you for rear of ruining the surprise 🙂
The pattern is from Tipnut’s library of free downloadable embroidery patterns… seriously you should go on there! there’s loads’a stuff! fair enough, the site is basically a collection of links to other sites, but it’s a good set of links, and if you’re looking for pincushion patterns, apron patterns or things to embroider on your tea towels (??) then this site is really useful.

Of course, the text was added by me… this is the original pattern:

So many more things to tell you! make sure you check back soon, make sure you ‘like’ my facebook page to get real time updates on my crafty adventures!

x G

Merry Christmas Everyone!

24 Dec

Dalek loves toaster

23 Dec

I whipped this up this afternoon for a secret Santa for the Sci-fi meetup group I go to (don’t judge me for going to a meetup group!) it was partly inspired by this pattern I’d seen on Mr X stitch’s blog recently lookee here:

only cross stitch is rubbish, and I think Daleks would like toasters better.

x G

"Well Loved" Bear

19 Dec
I can let you in on this Christmas secret because it’s for my mother in law, and the likelihood of her getting on the Internet and checking my blog is VERY remote! She doesn’t do the interwebs!
To really get the full picture you need a bit of background story.
My mother in law is crazy about bears… they cover her house… REALLY… to the extent where we can’t just ‘pop’ round, they need a couple of hours notice to tidy the bears off the couch 🙂
I mean it’s worse than this:
worse than this:
and worse than this:
infact put the three of those together, that’s her front room, FACT!
How does she acquire these bears? well, like me she has a deep appreciation for charity shops, which means that the majority of bears she brings home look something like this:
So, I decided that the only nice thing to do was to give her a piece of embroidered art this Christmas to commemorate her love affair with all things stuffed and tattered. 

It’s applique and embroidery, using blanket stitch, a smidge of satin stitch and chain stitch (I ❤ Chain stitch) at some points using 3 stands and at others 2 strands of embroidery floss. The buttons came off one of Alex’s old shirts that I cannibalised in payment for making some cloaks for his star wars action figures, the frame was 50p from a charity shop! All of the fabric I used I actually got for free form my beautiful sister in law XD
not very geeky, but definitely sweet 🙂
x G


17 Dec


OH YEA!! getting all wordpressy with it at with my introduction post. Here’s my bio from the ‘about’ section:

Samantha was born and raised in the North East of England, now “on tour” in Buckinghamshire. By day “Geeky Sweety” teaches Philosophy and Religious Studies to children between the ages of 11-18. By night she sews, embroiders, and upcycles. Her favourite things are 80s girl cartoons, anything Tim Burton touches, Doctor Who, Star Trek/Wars/Gate, Disney films (but only the ones based on fairy tales),cheesy Japanese kawaii culture and horrifically scary Japanese horror films. She also has a passion for Karaoke and occasionally sings in a rock covers band. Her husband custom builds star wars action figures, they havn’t counted them because they don’t want to get depressed, but good estimates place the total number at around 400. She believes only boring people get bored.

how exciting!

x G

Hello world!

6 Dec

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

So you think you can’t upcycle…..

2 Dec

With this super sweet shirt to pillow transformer from Thinkgeek we can all live our thrifty dreams by recycling old, unwanted and damaged T-shirts (or just plain cool ones) into useful household furniture! I’ve thought about turning T-shirts into pillowcases before, but thought that the jersey material would soon get stretched out of shape if used for upholstery, this nifty item completely solves that problem and removes all requirement to sew…

… pure genius!

Kudos the the Thinkgeek guys yet again

x G


28 Nov

Secrets, I have them:

It’s Christmas soon, and that means I have crafty secrets! I’m going to have to hold back on the crafty posts for a while and share some of some other people’s crafty wonderfulness instead. After Christmas it will be a crafty jackpot, til then, I give you… THE INTERNET!!! 🙂

x G


20 Nov


Me and Alex went down Aylesbury town this afternoon to do the charity shop run and I got these beauties:

What you’re seeing is a 12″ embroidery hoop mounted on an embroidery stand, for 2 handed stitching.
What? there seems to be a big balack blob on my work? well that’s because what I’m embroidering is a SECRET sillyface! I’m crafting for the craftster Doctor Who swap at the moment and I don’t want to spoil my partner’s surprise!

lookee more!

ok, a couple of sneek peeks:

x G

K9/TARDIS reversible bag!!

14 Nov

oh companions!!

here are very purple person’s pattern and tutorial
Here’s my tardis/k9 templates, and my pocket pattern

I’m such a geek!

so… all warmed up for the Dr Who Swap on craftster 🙂

ALL the fabric used here is actually upcycled, the white floral stuff was a duvet cover I got for free from a carboot sale and the funky 70’s brown stuff also came from a carboot sale, and it’s a curtain 🙂 I’m MAD paying ÂŁ1 for a single curtain but I loved the pattern… I thought I might make a skirt out of it but there wasn’t really enough….

Anyhow the video explains everything I did differently to Very Purple Person …please let me know if you use my applique templates, I’d love to see what you make!!

x G