Pins and Needles No 13 Serialisation (Edition 1)

11 Jun

Ok so I’m not sure about the legality of this one but I kinda guess nobody looks at this blog anyway so I won’t get sued.

Welcome to my first installment of the serialisation I’ve decided to do of this antique sewing magazine from the 1950’s. The front boasts “20 gifts, novelties and toys” but unfortunately they seem to include really curious ‘quilted heart booties’ and ‘beefeater gloves’ but then I’m a sewing purist and I rarely get excited about creating something for someone else (just like someone else who’s blog I follow).

I love how the pictures are a mixture between photographic and hand drawn, particularly that lady (I’m sure she’s supposed the a winter beauty, but in that pose she looks like she’s just attempted to run for a bus and has given up because she can’t catch her breath)

but hey – check out that apron… FABULOUS!

G x

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